Nsfas 2023 Funding Decisions Now Being Released. all returning students and those classified as non-Sassa applicants will know the outcome of theirfunding applications under the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. Last week, the scheme updated funding allocations for the current academic year.
Nsfas 2023 Funding Decisions Now Being Released
Students who apply for bursary funding from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in 2023 and are not Sassa beneficiaries as well as returning students will be pleased to know that the bursary scheme now provides their respective institutions with funding decisions.
funding list for non-Sassa applicants
By 6th February 2023, institutions will receive the funding list for non-Sassa applicants and returning students.Initially, the scheme prioritized First-Time Entering Sassa applicants who received feedback on their funding outcome immediately after applying.
In addition, Nsfas explained that non-Sassa applicants and returning students require third-party verification of their financial and academic eligibility, which the bursary scheme relies on.
Applicants for the bursary scheme can only appeal their rejected funding outcomes currently and the bursary scheme recently closed its funding applications for 2023. NSFAS appeals for the 2023 funding cycle must be submitted by Monday, 20 February 2023.
NSFAs was converted to a bursary scheme in 2018 after being funded by the South African government.
The program supports low-income students at all public higher education institutions throughout the country, including universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges.
Underprivileged students are able to access higher education and training through Nsfas. Tuition fees, accommodation, and other study-related costs can be covered by Nsfas financial aid.
A student must meet certain criteria to be eligible for funding, such as being a South African citizen and coming from a household with a combined annual income of less than R350,000.