Website And Contact Details in South West Gauteng TVET College (SWGC), South West Gauteng TVET College – SWGC Website And Contact Details, The South West Gauteng TVET College ( contacts information responsible for getting in touch with the Institution can be found below as stated in the official website and other trustworthy sources.
The South West Gauteng TVET College is one of the fifty registered and accredited public TVET Colleges in South Africa that operate on around 364 campuses spread across the rural and urban areas of the country.
Website And Contact Details in South West Gauteng TVET College (SWGC)
This contact information is subject to change, however, We try our best to update this article with the changes. We strive to keep this information up to date, You can also verify from the official website.
South West Gauteng TVET College Contact Address.
Official Contact Details of South West Gauteng TVET College, Tel, Email, Location, Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hour.
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) is education and training which provides knowledge and skills for employment.
For inquires and more information about the South West Gauteng TVET College, make use any of the following details:
Physical | 1822A Molele Street, Cnr Koma Road & Molele Street, Molapo, Soweto |
Tel | 011 527 8300 / 010 140 7942 |
Fax | 011 984 1262 |
Web | |
Physical Address
1822 A Molele Street
C/O Koma Road And Molele Street
Molapo, Soweto
TEL: 086 176 8849
TEL: 011 527 8300 / 010 140 7942
FAX: 011 984 1262
All Information regarding the South West Gauteng TVET College online application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal stay here